


Casey's foul shot secures vwin德赢娱乐 a share of Inter-Ac title | Andrew Robinson


故事写的安德鲁罗宾逊,城市的篮球爱- feb. 9, 2024

费城- - - - - - 伊莎贝拉凯西 有足够的时间不去想它吗.

A foul called as the horn sounded in the fourth quarter of Friday night’s de-facto Inter-Ac title game at Penn Charter was sending the vwin德赢娱乐 senior to the line with a chance to break a tie game. 在这里, 官员们, 计分台和教练们都在试图弄清楚其他的事情, 凯西尽量不去想那些罚球.

Casey made one of two 和 it was enough to give GA a 63-62 win over the Quakers, securing the Patriots at least a share of the Inter-Ac title for the first time since 2019-20.

“我试着不去想任何事情,只是放手,”凯西说. “我的队友们都很支持我, 他们不停地说‘你能行’, 你得到了这个,但我只是尽量不去想任何事情. 当我想太多的时候,我就会错过.”

The only blemish on a wild back 和 forth ending came right after Penn Charter had tied the score 62-62. 在电脑的 Marleigh杰克逊 两罚全中6分.剩下8个打平, vwin德赢娱乐 inbounded the ball with a Penn Charter player st和ing at the scorer’s table. 

桌子上的人试图引起官员的注意, 一旦球投入比赛,时钟不会自动开始. 把凯西罚到罚球线上的犯规是在号角吹响之前完成的, 官员们授予并最终把0.在她罚球前,她回到了场上.

It’s the first Inter-Ac title for any of the players currently on vwin德赢娱乐’s roster, the league not crowning a champion in 2020-21 和 Penn Charter having won the last two. 周五也没有完全结束, GA travels to Notre Dame on Monday 和 a win by the Irish would not only give them a share of the title, 同时也邀请PC重新加入到三足鼎立的行列中.

球队的三名首发大四学生,凯西, 山姆韦德 和 杰斯Aponik -获得联赛冠军的一部分是一个任务完成. They knew about all the vwin德赢娱乐 teams that preceded them who’d captured at least one Inter-Ac title in their time 和 did not want to be part of a class that left the program without their own.

韦德说:“这真的很重要,尤其是因为我们现在是高年级学生了。. “我认为人们在怀疑我们. 这是我们在一起的最后一场比赛,我们必须全力以赴赢得比赛.”

给阿波尼克和她的双胞胎妹妹詹娜, 今年第一个替补出场的球员, 没有人能掩盖周五冲突的真相.

“这对我们来说是一场冠军赛,”阿波尼克说. “我们知道我们必须完成它.”

在周五晚上的大部分时间里,爱国者队都无法摆脱自己的困境. GA失误20次, missed seven free throws in the fourth quarter 和 gave a foul on a rebound 90 feet from the basket with 6.比赛还剩8秒,PC队以62比62追平.

Some of that is on the Patriots 和 some of it goes to Penn Charter’s defense. 贵格会教徒到处都是, 至少看起来是这样, 让GA远离它的进攻盘, getting a tip or deflection on plenty of passes 和 stealing quite a few after doing that.

虽然这是vwin德赢娱乐准备的, 它仍然非常难对付.

“我们知道他们会去跑步, 他们是一支拥有两名最好球员的伟大球队,凯西说。. “When we started throwing it away or they went on runs, we still had each other’s back. 我觉得我们在每次暂停或暂停时都非常支持对方, 我们一直对彼此说我们能行.”

GA seemed to have figured things out midway through the second quarter when a pair of 杰斯Kolecki 罚球使客队以21比13领先. Instead, Penn Charter closed the half on a 12-2 run 和 took a 25-23 lead to the break.

Kolecki和 加贝Bowes, 首发阵容中的两名年轻球员, have been as much a part of this core as the seniors for the past three years. 他们一起经历了这一切, 所以这五位先发球员在周五都得到了至少10分.


GA和PC在整个下半场都在交换比分和势头. 鲍斯或韦德会投进一球,然后成为贵格会的小三 Kaylinn Bethea 会马上带着答案回来吗. 凯西会得分和电脑 瑞恩•卡特 会做些不可思议的事来保住贵格会吗.

贝西娅得了19分, 她的职业生涯积分只有999分, 加5个篮板, 两次助攻, 3次封盖和3次抢断. 卡特得到全场最高的20分, 大一新生加了六块板, 三次助攻, two blocks 和 two steals while leaving the GA players three years older than her marveling at what her future will look like.

“瑞恩,我没法保护她,”凯西说. “她身材高大,动作敏捷,总能找到办法把球投出去.

“We’ve played against so many top players, but there’s really no one like her.”

GA在比赛还剩3分22秒时以52比45领先7分. 然后, 卡特的得分, Jackson stole the ball off the inbound 和 found Bethea for a three to cut it back to two in no time.

爱国者队将比分扳回到6比3鲍斯击中了铁球, 直接飞向空中,然后掉了下去, 宾大宪章公司再次回应. 即使11连胜被打破,贵格会的教练 乔·马奎尔 对他的球员在最后时刻没有放弃的表现给予了充分的赞扬.

“我希望我们能早一点有这种紧迫感, 但是玛丽·杰克逊的罚球, 米娅DiBenedetto为首 没投进一个球,最后却投进了一个三分, 女孩们不停地打啊打,马奎尔说. “We want to finish strong 和 go into the (PAISAA) tournament 和 see what we can do when we get there. 我们在一起玩得越多越好.

“这是我们一个多月来的第一次失利, 我们所要做的就是继续比赛,尽可能延长赛季.”

Maguire also had praise for the packed-house crowd that provided the backdrop for the contest. 双方都有很多粉丝, every play drew some kind of reaction 和 what the Penn Charter coach thought was most important was that any younger girls in the seats got to see high level players on both teams giving their all to try 和 win a championship.


“观众们,我们从来没有得到过这样的待遇,”韦德说. “我认为这是我们一生中最疯狂的比赛.”

“We probably won’t play in an atmosphere like that again, honestly,凯西说。. 凯西度过了人生中最糟糕的第四节. The senior was just 1-of-7 from the floor 和 only 4-of-8 at the line prior to her final trip to the line, 但就像她努力不去想那些即将到来的罚球一样, 她的队友想不出还有谁能顶替她.




GA教练劳伦·鲍尔也有同样的想法. 爱国者队的第一年教练, who also got her first share of an Inter-Ac title after coming over from Notre Dame last spring, spent most of the game trying to keep her team calm 和 its focus from straying amidst the mistakes it was making or being forced into by Penn Charter’s defense.

She also wouldn’t have picked anyone else to be there at the end with a chance to win the game.

“我就知道, 我看着她说,‘你可以的,她所有的队友都走过去说了同样的话,鲍尔说. “她看着我,我知道她会成功的.”

凯西毫无疑问是第一个. 她错过了第二个, 不是故意, but she wasn’t thinking about that as the rest of her team surrounded her on the court in celebration.


GA: 11 | 12 | 20 | 20 || 63
PC: 10 | 15 | 17 | 20 || 62

GA: 伊莎贝拉凯西 17, 加贝Bowes 14, 杰斯Kolecki 10, 杰斯Aponik 10, 山姆韦德 10 Jenna Aponik 2

PC:瑞安·卡特, 凯琳·贝西娅, 阿什利·约翰逊7, 玛丽·杰克逊, 丽芙·维埃里亚, 莱拉·夏普4, 米娅·迪·贝内代托